• Extra Corporeal Shockwave Treatment | The Podiatry Centre | Chiropodists
  • Podiatrists in Portsmouth, Guildford and Chichester

    Tel: 023 92373737


    How does ESWT work?

    ESWT (Extra Corporeal Shockwave Treatment) works by passing low-energy sound waves through the skin all the way to the site of injury. At The Podiatry Centre we use radial shockwave therapy which penetrates as deep as 5cm, making it ideal for treating tendon and fascia injuries of the foot e.g. plantar fasciopathy and Achilles tendinopathy. The sound waves produce a cavitation effect in the tissues a bit like the ripple effect when you throw a stone in a pond and this stimulates the following effects:

    • Increased blood circulation to the surrounding tissues
    • Beginning of healing process triggered by stem cells activation
    • Reduction of pain stimulated by nerve fibres
    • Clinical benefit is often seen 6-8 weeks after treatment

    Beth Norris and Kirsty Hodgkins can offer this treatment in our Cosham and Chichester clinics.

    Extra Corporeal Shockwave TreatmentPhoto: Extra Corporeal Shockwave Treatment

    Get in touch

    To find out more about our foot care services please call us at our nearest podiatry clinic.

    receptionist mandy at the podiatry centre

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